And so the opening credits roll…
So here it is! I am finally creating what I have wanted to bring into reality for the LONGEST time! And just in time to close 2010 on a solid, triumphant note for 2011, Happy New Year to all!
Cha-cha-cha-cha-changes… the blog title says it all, change IS the only constant, and it summarizes the journey I will strive to represent in this blog. A journey for work and play, with a desire for both practical and playful ponderings.
It may not be a weekly blog, and it certainly will not be daily. But hopes are high that it will be somewhat regular.
This SYSTEMSinFLUX blog:
- As the description above mentions, this blog is about change, something occurring in so many unforeseen ways these days. For me, it has been about change that is fueled by a desire to learn, grow, and be something different tomorrow—hopefully, something (or someone) better or more evolved. Through however I create meaning, I desire to experience more learning, growth and change. Why? Because it’s fun for me. Each day is a little more interesting that way.
- It's also a forum for a long-overdue interest of mine: writing. I’m not great at it, so bear with me. That said, I AM getting better. My graduate work certainly helped, but who doesn't need an editor?
Whenever possible, I will stick to my own personal experience and observation, put judgment aside, and attempt to ‘relay’ useful thoughts for you, the reader to consider. I'll try to make the information exchange as practical and as applied as possible. I can’t promise I won’t get philosophical or theoretical, and beg forgiveness in advance for those times that I just go on and on, as I sometimes have a tendency to be a little too ethereal.
Yes, I know this, but to know me is to love me…
or at least understand me a little better.
And I did mention the word exchange in reference to information? I welcome comments, and encourage interaction, as it makes learning FUN. You can of course comment and/or follow the blog, or email me directly at the address on this page.
More is soon to come. I will try not to procrastinate so long this time, and in the language of the programmer:
Hello World!