Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Creativity: the enlarged self

“Different personality styles have different creative styles. There is no one idea of creativity that can describe it all. Therefore, in collaborating with others we round up, as in any relationship, an enlarged self, a more versatile creativity.”

Freeplay, Improvisation in Life and Art.

Infinite variety in an infinite creative system—it’s so exciting when you continue to reveal the many “layers of self,” and as you do so, you may realize you’re not alone.

My creativity is connected to something indescribable, something felt, something experienced, and something uniquely me—yet something not “me.” Collaborative energy is all about the contradiction of that which is uniquely ‘you,’ and that which you channel with and through others, and through what Stephen calls the “enlarged self.”

Case in point…

I recently had a good friend see one of my illustrations on my website. It was an illustration done a few years back, as a gift to someone I was close to at the time. It told it’s own unique story, with symbolism meant for that person at that moment in time. My good friend Rachel made up a short story around it for her son. I would have never envisioned this, and when she told me about it, I was pleasantly surprised, complimented and honored.

She wants to create a children’s book with this story, and we’re now planning our collaborative effort.

Yes, a second book. Wow, seems I’m all about publishing these days. I’m not even part way through my present book about presentations and visual-storytelling!

Anyway, this one will be quite different than the presentations book, and will finally give me an outlet for a long-time yearning: I way to get back to painting and drawing—YAY!

I am quite thankful that Rachel shared the story with me, and that we are going to have the opportunity to ‘go somewhere’ I never anticipated with this art. It’s a foundation for further expansion, something I never anticipated, and more importantly, it’s built upon collaboration.

Ahhh creativity… I’m very excited to see how this evolves!


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