Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Three Cs

“Sustaining work that works for you requires a balance that goes beyond any single factor.”
We make compromises as we make decisions that will get us where we want to go. It’s not always easy, but it should still be enjoyable in the right percentage… all in balance, know what I mean?
Reflecting on having achieved the goals you wanted is very important. How can you learn from what you have done and make the necessary adjustments in your path to work better towards goals.
As much as I LOVE working for any particular organization, I also need to enjoy the actual content I’m working on, as I develop training for that content. In no particular order, when it comes to training, I look for rewards in these three buckets.
  1. The Company
  2. The Content
  3. The Creativity
The Company
What does the company do? What is the nature of their work? What is the culture of the company? What kinds of people are attracted to the company?
The Content
Do you like the actual content of the tasks you are given? Is writing, designing or creating around a specific topic interesting, and does it make you curious to learn about it?
The Creativity
How much of “yourself,” can you bring to the table? This means, how unique can the results be, or has the form of the product already been determined? The amount it has been determined can impact how interesting the process will be—at least in my experience.
In the training environment
This looks different for everyone, but I would especially encourage consultants to reflect on these three Cs when working on projects. With consulting, these three factors will likely change often, but even in the midst of a full-time staff job, the three Cs can be applied. While there may be factors more logistical—like how your 3 hour commute is killing your motivation—these 3 factors are about the work itself—after you immerse yourself in the culture and details of an organization.
As a bit of a generalist, I find I work across many types of projects and skill sets, but I also find that I have my preferences around these three areas—and it may only be revealed during the development of training with a company. Training concepts can be applied to all kinds of companies, and this can almost make the job look completely different—but often it will not look different in the job description, so reflecting on the three Cs early in the process can be advantageous to your overall happiness in the work place.
Reflection is an ongoing process, as you and your projects will most likely change often. Try to walk into your own “hall of mirrors” regularly.


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