Over the last month or so, I have been doing a fair amount of "retooling," re-evaluating and reflecting about life and my experiences. I have also been deeply rooted in considering various patterns I have adopted and used to-date, in my life experiences. I am very rejuvenated: we are merely days away from Spring, and there is something very symbolic about the sprouting and growth that can occur as the seasons give way, giving subtle nudges and a reminder that we need to move forward with our lives…
I'm convinced that I live my life through all kinds of symbolism.
One of my life-long patterns is how I communicate through song and rhythm, lyric and melody. Not only am I a musician, but I also communicate and relate to everyday experiences through songs. These songs are my little tidbits or "memes" of experience—determined by culture, culled by me—to create meaning and memories of various things have happen in moments both significant, and (not so) significant.Songs resonate for me in two ways:
As an "internal" soundtrack: hearing a song in my head while something is happening, hearing a song after something has happened, or just plain waking up with the curse of a catchy jingle that just won't go away…
Bon Jovi: The album playing during my first (and worst) car accident to date included the song "Living on a Prayer." Coincidentally, that album has some other, much more pleasant memories that I won't mention here…
Metallica: "I Disappear" a total must have for my rambunctious and ragged trail-running trips, dodging unsuspecting hikers and I FLY down trails (check out Mt. Si in Northbend).
Focusing on the need to strengthen the self through a little bit-o-rebellion known as Nine Inch Nails with "Only."
Modest Mouse: "Float On" was running in my head during one of the most dramatic relationships/breakups of my life.
Journey helps me embrace and accept past and future relationships, in the driving force of 80s rock with "Stone in Love." Focusing on the need to strengthen the self through a little bit of the rebellion known an Nine Inch Nails... "Only."
There are so many, but I'll end this short list with "Colorful" by the Verve Pipe. This one symbolizes the acceptance of self, knowing and being 'ok' with who I am at this point in my life—and knowing there are others that embrace me for it. It's very powerful. AND...
As a song used to describe something someone else may have said to me while having a conversation (just ask my partner about that one). It's basically embedded in the conversation as part of the narrative.
Over the years, I often play phone tag with my good friend Dino. He always references the Cake song: "No Phone."
Keith Urban flows through my life in many ways, and "You're Better Half" always comes up when talking about relationships, travel, and sunshine.
Many others here as well, and are very hard to name, as they are so contextual… hard to remember because they are lived in the moment. I'll wrap up this 'non-all-inclusive' list with "You Can't Hide" from Maktub, as a reminder to me of how I make all attempts to live my life through transparency and open communication.
Songs become the soundtrack to life. And they also are an expression of experience
Moving to a higher level, they also become symbolic tools to communicate and commune with others. In my case, they create a chance to relate in a way that is uniquely my own, but also a way for others to relate back to my experience (offering the potential to create something new together). Of course, it helps when all parties know the material!
Whether it's a song, words or letters, graphics, images or icons or color, it's all this symbolic relating, using established conventions a starting point, and then we hopefully have an opportunity to take it a step further (that's the fun part).
Symbols in Design…
I am building upon my relating and experiences and creating new ones. This is the perfect analogy for what we do when we design. We use many of these symbolic tools to create experience, but it's also what we do with those tools, and how we do it that creates the new. Uniqueness, invention and innovation must always at least give a nod to established norms. And if it doesn't, it may eventually be embraced, but that process usually takes a great deal more time (sometimes more than something you might see in your own lifetime). I believe that starting with something people can relate to is the key, otherwise there's just no starting point!
What kinds of tools do you use to create relating in your communications and conversations?
Might there be some new ones you could embrace with both clients and friends/family to better serve mutual understanding and connection?
Be well and have a good week!

An ongoing dialog about the dynamic juxtaposition of elements and the fluctuations that occur in systems, using DESIGN as a basic model: it's DESIGN through a WIDE lens. It's about relationships and how design impacts our experience. From the "external" structures we create, such as cars or storefronts, to the "internal" structures we create, such as patterns, beliefs and values: this blog aims to share various thoughts and insights about how we design our world. Sound like heady stuff? Read on!
There's so much to ponder here! As it would seem we all have certain theme songs that articulate our experiences and events in life. I feel profoundly about the energy and vibration, resonance and frequencies of those sounds are the strings that tie our existence together. Your last blog on story telling is applicable here to this theme. Creating moments of memorable experiences that resonate certain vibrational frequencies to tune into our existence more intently...perhaps on an astral plane? well, I will close with one song that has been a significant part of my own growth since 1994...and continues to be a backdrop tapestry for my own experiences:
Thank so much Sandi! Gheeesh! Apparently I have been so busy not to be able to reply till now!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing that song, love it! The resonation of sound is perhaps closer to who we really "are" than we know. An expression that goes beyond words and language, it literally, existentially, and symbolically 'moves' us.
Again, thank you!