Monday, March 7, 2011

What’s in it for me?

Another word for my post this week is intention. Yes, probably something I have already written about, but heck, let’s expand upon it!

As I come out of the doldrums of winter, I am attacking the creative arts with renewed vigor.

Why do we do what we do?

Intention is so important in anything we do, because it gets at the “how” of what we do. Really, I don’t think the “what” is nearly as important (unless perhaps you are a serial killer), because we all enjoy different things at work and at play, and getting at the “how,” will fuel our “what” endeavors.

That said, if we can get to the core of it, we can start to unpack the important stuff: that which drives us… our passions and motivations. Sometimes it’s something really practical, like the need to pay the bills, and other times it’s about what makes us smile, get excited or energizes us. And when life is at it’s best, and aligned with what we might call our “creative source,” it’s all of the above!

And that’s because we are finally getting at the core of it.

In contemplating my intention, I am reminded about why I got into this whole thing in the first place: I loved to draw. I must admit, I do very little drawing these days, and have pinpointed this as something I need to change… look out, I suspect I may be going for a return to the basics—for me, that is newsprint and charcoal, and perhaps some still life or figure drawing. This is but one area I am looking at, as things like music also need some ‘reconstruction and reinvention,’ but that’s another blog post!

Design is a beautiful and exciting business. I have embraced it in my life, but also have come to realize and accept its place in my life. It fuels creative thinking, but not necessarily in the same way as what started me on my path in the arts. It has evolved in some monumental and unexpected ways… and it has changed.

Change is not a bad thing, as I have enjoyed my professional progress in the last 15 years, but I also find the need to reconnect with the spark that set this whole creative explosion off to begin with: drawing.

So perhaps it’s with contemplation, reflection or something else that gets you to remember your intention. Sometimes just “doing it” is the way to go, trying things until something sticks, and sometimes forethought works too. Sometimes, it’s a balance of both.

If you could put your intention in a sentence or two, what would it sound like? It can really help you get back to the basics, reconnect with motivation, and keep you on focus: because that which creates momentum is controlled and created by the alignment of your actions/goals and your core intention.

Just a little test to see who’s reading… ask me about examples, and I’ll see if I can post something from that high school period… you know… the ‘spark’ period…




  1. I have already seen parts of your portfolio (impressive) and I would love to see your creative origins?

  2. Opps! I reworded the comment above and forgot to change the punctuation. I was wondering what your "creative origins" might be and yes, I would like to see any early examples. You have a great imagination and enough creativity and talent for many lifetimes. Always a supporter.
